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Patient Experience

Several methods are used to assess patient experience. One of which are the many experience questionnaires handed out to patients to allow them to evaluate their overall hospital stay.

Results are analyzed and reported by the media & communications department and corrective actions are taken accordingly.

This is a continuous journey with constant work towards providing a positive care experience.

At Mount Lebanon Hospital your opinion counts

Rate of Patient Experience 2020 (%)

Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers are skin ulcerations that result from prolonged immobility, causing compression of blood capillaries that supply the skin and subcutaneous tissues and leading to poor perfusion and ultimately tissue necrosis. The key to pressure ulcer control is prevention and proper management.

At Mount Lebanon Hospital University Medical Center many processes are put in place to prevent pressure ulcer formation:

  • Pressure ulcer risk assessment on all patients upon admission
  • Pressure ulcer reassessment
  • Skin assessment
  • Pain assessment
  • Skin care
  • Repositioning regimes
  • Mobility
  • Nutritional care
  • Patient and staff education

Thanks to a very dedicated team the results for the year 2016 are very satisfactory with a rate of 0% and isolated cases in March, April and June.